Robert Dack

Member of the Board

Robert Dack has been associated with Rosebud School of the Arts from before its inception, as a camper, student, board member, benefactor, and staff member.

He attended summer camps though the 1970s and was one of five students in the inaugural year of the high school program in 1977. After high school, Robert maintained an active presence in Rosebud, eventually become a founding board member of Rosebud School of the Arts under the Alberta Charter.

With 25 years of experience as a geophysicist for several companies – including Kelman Technologies, Fugro, and CGG – Robert worked in offices around the world in places such as Tripoli, Muscat, London, Cairo, Algiers, Paris, Pau, Houston, Oklahoma City, Denver, Villahermosa, Mumbai and Calgary. His primary responsibilities have been technical supervision and training of international staff and projects.

Robert has served on numerous boards and is currently a managing partner and director of Shear Frac Group LLC (Houston, TX) and President of Shear Frac Limited in Calgary, where Robert provides technical leadership for the software development team and 24/7 operations in the Calgary office.

Robert has served on the Rosebud Fellowship board of directors for many years. He and his wife Cherie hold property in the hamlet and continue to invest in the community.

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